
marcus_centurian t1_is66lzd wrote

The whole cell is accurate, but quite expensive and awkward. The ground device is also expensive but not as much and only is cost effective if part of a carbon credit project and the satellites are good enough, but most of their focus is on fossil fuel plumes and other than a proof of concept, they don't seem to monitor cattle on a regular basis, even if they could.


marcus_centurian t1_irxhwu9 wrote

There are three ways- a satellite company out of Canada has a GPS style grid of small satellites that has been able to detect methane plumes from space. The other is a mechanical device that uses the RFID embedded in the cow's tag to identify the cow and then measure the methane output. Lastly, you put the cow in a neatly sealed cell and monitor all gases going in and out of the cell.