
marcuschookt OP t1_j2dd6q0 wrote

Right, but a single Snickers bar would net more bodyweight than a single head of cabbage is my point, because the Snickers bar is higher in calories, which means that the starting weight of the pre-consumed food is not indicative of weight gain. So how is that weight being actualized during the digestive process?


marcuschookt t1_j28e53p wrote


marcuschookt t1_iydc8bu wrote

It's crazy to me that people use their work devices for personal stuff, government-sector or not. In my line of work we constantly have people using their shitty company-issued phones and laptops to do their own private stuff, sometimes while on the company's networks. Why do you have to upload your family vacation photos to your shared drive? Why can't you just do that on your own phone?