
markbass69420 t1_j6ogqnp wrote

>My point is you can’t just blanket throw out accusations of nimbyism at every critique of the city’s half-assed plan to expand housing

Then it's a shitty point.

>The housing market can’t sustain building only luxury apartments.

Lmao this is exactly why it's fine to call anyone who says "I like housing, but...." a nimby. Vaguely complaining about "affordability" and "luxury" is NIMBY 101. You're literally the problem.


markbass69420 t1_j6nteuj wrote

>He's not wrong.

Nah, it's absolutely wrong. Wringing hands and worrying about the "buts" and vaguely gesturing at "affordability" are exactly the kind of nimbyism that cause the current shortages we have now. You don't even have to look far - blocking an apartment complex in Harlem because of "affordability" instead got us a truck depot. How many affordable units are in a truck depot?

>Currently, a housing unit that's built but not rented out can still accrue some tax benefits by sitting empty

Nah, this is some braindead Twitter shit.


markbass69420 t1_j2nc0ll wrote

The podcast The War on Cars did a couple episodes of actual investigative journalism about one of these kinds of scenes in Brooklyn. The cops showed up to break up one of the gatherings, everyone slowly drove away, and when the host asked the cops why they aren't ticketing or arresting or anything, they said it's because they're not actually doing anything dangerous or illegal. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad tbh.