
mart_nargy t1_j2ejeo2 wrote

I’m not an expert (not a joke, I’m just guessing here, so could be wrong) but I think the allocations are made in part based on current or future projects. So if there aren’t bike lane projects on the docket, that reduces the appropriation, and frees up money to be sent elsewhere.


mart_nargy t1_j2ehte1 wrote

Unless they cost zero dollars, I can think of any number of social services that could use that money instead. To say nothing of the fact that not everyone can use a bike lane (need to be able bodied and afford a bike), so it’s really a benefit to the bike crowd, which is mostly white.


mart_nargy t1_j2dg27y wrote

For the serial killers, yes. But that won’t work for the random kid who got pissed off and shot someone. And even the best police can’t make evidence or a witness appear out of thin air (well, they can, but that’s a whole other depressing story). So I’m skeptical that more police will actually lead to more arrests, which is why i said at best. I happen to think that reducing the number of guns in hands is a better way to reduce the number of murders.