
maryellentokar t1_j8s307p wrote

I guess I just have to disagree with the first statement that if public transpo was offered it would be shot down. And comparing the two options -- an affordable and reliable transit system -- with a massive luxury apartment complex in a cramped neighborhood -- aren't super comparable for many reasons.

As for the email from Odette, no real comment on that -- not sure where she is referring to so can't really make any educated opinions on that


maryellentokar t1_j8s2deu wrote

I know it takes a while, that's kind of what I was saying -- until there are effective solutions in the works I don't think we can blame Hampden residents for wanting parking and ultimately safe roads (as someone stated above, these roads are one-car width as it is, with multiple blind turns in both directions out of the neighborhood). I agree it's a vicious cycle in ways -- but I don't think that a massive, 160 luxury apartment complex is an easy ask in the meantime. It's too much and we can't blame Hampden residents for the lack of public transit.


maryellentokar t1_j8rvmle wrote

I see your points; I work in the transportation field so I am familiar with Baltimore's lack of efficient transit. I see your question and raise you a question -- if Hampden dwellers don't have more reliable, direct public transit right now (or at least have promising upcoming plans), how can we expect Hampden dwellers to back off of projects like these? I agree that backing transit and pedestrian initiatives are important, but until there is real progress being made in bringing these initiatives to reality, I can see why these two items aren't mutually exclusive -- backing public transit/multi modal transit while being against massive development in the meantime.


Plus, if you look at the location, there simply isn't enough room on the streets for the cars that would be brought to the area. I agree it's not realistic to "stall all development" but that's not what's happening here -- this physical location wasn't going to work and until Hampdenites see reliable public transit, I don't think we can expect them to be okay with increased congestion and traffic.