
mbard16 t1_jebhash wrote

You have to get it done in CT, and just to avoid confusion, it's actually called emissions testing (smog isn't really a thing here). You can find a place that does it here:

It's actually really simple, you don't need an appointment, and it's usually pretty quick. I just had to get mine done and it was literally less than 15 minutes.


mbard16 t1_jebbb3o wrote

You actually have 90 days after you move to transfer both your license and your registration. You'll need to gather some documents and make an appointment at a full service DMV, but you can do both at the same time.

Here's the info you need about transferring your license:

Here's the info for transferring your vehicle registration:


mbard16 t1_ix9ujz9 wrote

I'm going to be honest, Ellington really isn't a town where you can be carless. It's pretty rural, not an easy place to walk around, public transit is nonexistent and things you need will not be walking distance from anywhere. You're going to have a hard time finding any short term rental situation there at all, let alone near that clinic. You're should plan for needing to take Ubers around, but Ellington is not a place I would recommend for someone who doesn't drive.