mcnathan80 t1_jab7wcn wrote
Reply to after ASOIAF and kingkiller I dont dare to start reading unfinished series, I wonder statistically how much people are same and if it sffects other authors? by [deleted]
Dude, The Dark Tower almost ended me!!
When King got flattened by that self-driving semi (it was caused by a Romani curse while he was in a life or death speedwalkathon) and we all thought the series wouldn’t get finished; a bunch of us fans snorted his body weight in cocaine (to break the curse).
A bunch of us died, and the others got brain damage. But not me!! AND he made a dramatic comeback to give us 3 mediocre books with a very adequate ending.
Bonus: I also got superpowers, so when I touch someone I know which bathroom they will shit in next. It’s not as useful as you would think…
mcnathan80 t1_j9ewnaf wrote
Reply to comment by iateadonut in How good the US will be for living in future for those who will be earning decent?? by [deleted]
Awful political systems create environments people don’t want to have children in. How do we break this feedback loop?
mcnathan80 t1_j9evgmg wrote
Reply to comment by Bewaretheicespiders in How good the US will be for living in future for those who will be earning decent?? by [deleted]
Hey now some of us are OLD and foolish too!
mcnathan80 t1_j8qd36w wrote
Reply to comment by TheyCallMeBigSlick in TIFU by getting dumped for taking a dump. by 6millionwaystolive
Didn’t have to clean his crap, got free food at a party, but dumped for a dump.
Two Outta’ Three Ain’t Bad
mcnathan80 t1_j8dh6fk wrote
Reply to comment by AccentFiend in TIFU by telling my coworkers all about my depression while plastered by [deleted]
The Tears of a Clown
Hugs to you fellow Pagliacci
mcnathan80 t1_j8bxjvj wrote
Reply to comment by RosesToTheAbyss in TIFU by telling my coworkers all about my depression while plastered by [deleted]
I hear you!
I was the work goofball and when shit hit the fan and folks were stressed out they usually looked to me lighten the mood (usually…)
Well things got really stressful at work and I was dealing with some personal stuff and they were having some team meeting trauma bond shit. Like everybody take turns talking about a challenge, or someone you miss (you get the gist). The get to me and everyone’s waiting for me to say something silly (I said I was grateful for all day McDonald’s breakfast at the last company thanksgiving). And I actually tried but all that came out was something like “my greatest challenge is finding the will to care, or I miss who I was before the weight of the world crushed my spirit” (you get the gist).
Everyone just looked uncomfortably at the floor until the moved on to the next person.
It got better for me, hope it got better for you
mcnathan80 t1_j6mmkkd wrote
Reply to comment by Gr00mpa in TIFU by comparing a baby to a dog by [deleted]
Another 70 years in and so will the kid
mcnathan80 t1_j6fn8hb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIFU: Said something hateful to my husband by [deleted]
Dang the struggle is real
It took me awhile but I eventually got a therapist myself and it was life changing
I’m pulling for you guys
mcnathan80 t1_j6d7420 wrote
Reply to comment by louwyatt in TIFU: Said something hateful to my husband by [deleted]
Yeah my wife used to give me shit for being a therapist. I came home after another day of hearing humans treating each other like animals, had to call CPS on a parent, and found out the reason one of my clients hadn’t been to session was they had been arrested for (alleged) murder.
My wife was all like “how hard is it? You just sit there and listen to people”
Lemme tell you I sat her down and looked straight into her eyeballs and I said looks around for a little bit and checks behind the curtain “Biiiiiiiiitch”
mcnathan80 t1_j65efkd wrote
Reply to comment by Unpleasant_1 in TIFU by asking my friend to take their socks off which led to the end of our friendship and A messed up digestive system . by Unpleasant_1
It's tough ngl
I was raised by narcissist substance abusers and developed A LOT of bad habits/survival strategies, but this was the most pernicious. Not saying you or are parents are narcissists, but my apple didn't fall far from that tree...
I would strongly recommend finding a DBT therapist to help you work out your inner dialog
In the short term, start doing things that make you respect yourself (i.e. dont tell anyone, or expect praise). You can't care about anyone more than yourself. Literally. Anything more is codependent. Your own self esteem IS the bar
I'm pulling for you, you've got a long, tough slog but you're young and asking the right questions. At least the questions I wish I had asked when I was 17 lol
mcnathan80 t1_j65c6ce wrote
Reply to comment by Unpleasant_1 in TIFU by asking my friend to take their socks off which led to the end of our friendship and A messed up digestive system . by Unpleasant_1
Hey no shame, just figure your stuff out and learn to drop a joke after two strikes
mcnathan80 t1_j626w4z wrote
Reply to comment by dakwegmo in TIFU by asking my friend to take their socks off which led to the end of our friendship and A messed up digestive system . by Unpleasant_1
There is
OP has a foot fetish
mcnathan80 t1_j626sxp wrote
Reply to comment by FreighterTot in TIFU by asking my friend to take their socks off which led to the end of our friendship and A messed up digestive system . by Unpleasant_1
Yep I notice they also didn’t include their friends gender. I’m thinking op DOES have a foot fetish perved on his “friend” tried to walk it back as a joke and self-harmed in response to his consequences.
Hope he gets some therapy
mcnathan80 t1_j626gym wrote
Reply to comment by slimzimm in TIFU by asking my friend to take their socks off which led to the end of our friendship and A messed up digestive system . by Unpleasant_1
This is a pretty common tactic for emotionally immature people. Basically they super overvillianize themselves for the very obvious bad thing they did in hopes they look like the victim and will be comforted
“Look at me on this cross! Have I not suffered enough?!”
mcnathan80 t1_j60stb6 wrote
Reply to comment by 406highlander in TIFU by making vulgar comment to my boss while he was in meeting. by PocketOppossum
Thwow him to de fwow!!
mcnathan80 t1_j5zot1r wrote
Reply to comment by 406highlander in TIFU by making vulgar comment to my boss while he was in meeting. by PocketOppossum
My name happens to be Harold Richard Enballz what's so funny?
mcnathan80 t1_j4v3ksz wrote
Reply to comment by thetomahawk42 in Dad donates kidney to stranger after daughter's transplant by Roshanrapha
It's like the hermit crab shell shuffle, but for kidneys! Awww
mcnathan80 t1_j4gaeou wrote
Reply to comment by beestc in The multiverse by Manureofhistory
The universe strives for balance
Humanity has unbalanced the universe
I don't like where you're going with this.../s
mcnathan80 t1_j1zj6fb wrote
Reply to comment by flfoiuij2 in [WP] The human lifespan is the lowest in the galaxy. That alone is why they are the most dangerous. by SeaCaptainJack
Kinda how we did all the other hominids on this planet
mcnathan80 t1_iysce9m wrote
Back in the traveling Freak Show days these little guys would be called "pickled punks". They were essentially procured (stolen) from med schools but marketed as a mysterious phenomenon
mcnathan80 t1_iy182ga wrote
Reply to comment by jhvanriper in Donkey Basketball 1970 by famouscaseyx
Yep family sucks
mcnathan80 t1_ixzwin9 wrote
Reply to Donkey Basketball 1970 by famouscaseyx
I got married in 2005 that most of my extended family didn't attend in favor of going to a donkey basketball game and I never knew what it was til now.
TBH I'm actually more hurt...
mcnathan80 t1_ixzmr0d wrote
Reply to comment by fantasmoofrcc in NIN / Johnny Cash - Hurt by confrita
I enjoy the entirity of weird Al's life in 10 minute increments
mcnathan80 t1_ixz1tyy wrote
Reply to comment by HanHeite in NIN / Johnny Cash - Hurt by confrita
The dumbass was funny, and the fuckface was the clincher
mcnathan80 t1_je8w37w wrote
Reply to comment by sammybunsy in Casey Affleck in Manchester by the Sea gave one of the best performances I’ve ever seen. by Apprehensive_Unit_74
You can’t just die!