
mcsmooothearl t1_jdz96o1 wrote

Reply to comment by jj4540 in expanding my taste by jj4540

Oh, cool! Yeah, Moby can be an acquired taste … but he’s like so many other artists - has 12 albums or so, but I have to cherry-pick a few decent songs off each one and ignore the rest like it’s trash. I noticed you like Damien Jurado, so make sure to peep the Moby song he is featured on: “Almost Home”


mcsmooothearl t1_jdyn9x3 wrote

Skim through these to see if you like anything - I listen to these on the regular:


…There’s 19 years between the following consecutive albums … and you’d never know it. These guys are also known as “Your favorite band’s favorite band.”

“Fantastic Planet” (1996)

“The Heart Is A Monster” (2015)

#First Wave Hello

… these guys disbanded in 2008, but left two awesome albums:

“The Lord and Its Penguin” (2006)

“God Bless, Devil You” (2008)

Both of the above named bands are in the “space rock” category, but First Wave Hello are maybe a bit less “space” and more “indie experimental”

Oh! One more band (genre: noise riff-pop) I really love:

#Sleigh Bells

“Treats” (2010)

“Reign Of Terror” (2012)

“Bitter Rivals” (2013)

“Jessica Rabbit” (2016)

…and for something considered weird but I’ve listened to them both constantly for 20+ years :

Bombay The Hard Way: Guns, Cars,and Sitars (1998)

Bombay 2: Electric Vindaloo (2001)

One last thing (yeah, rrrrright, buddy 😂) - Spotify [all the following playlists are on Spotify] says “melancholy” is one of your preferred genres? You gotta check out my Elliott Smith playlist - a CD-R length of what I consider his best: (note: there’re two camps of Elliott Smith fans - those like me, who prefer his last three albums, and those that prefer the first three): as much as Nine Inch Nails channels my anger, Elliott Smith reflects my sadness.

I did the same thing with (Smashing Pumpkins playlist). Billy Corgan can totally ROCK … but he’s also sensitive/melancholy AF!

Beck is another musical genius that is diverse … I had to make a BECK (-down) playlist for his sad, melancholy stuff and a separate for his upbeat, funky good-time stuff … BECK (+up) playlist.

Three other music acts that I enjoy (I’ve once again play-listed their top-tier stuff … if you don’t like the songs on the playlist, you REALLY won’t like the rest of their stuff!) that I suggest you check out are:

Tame Impala





… and now I’m gonna shut up (for real 😂) Good luck on your musical journey!