
mediocre_mitten t1_jbsrswo wrote

Well, that was disturbing. Totally doable and most likely will happen sometime in the future, especially so since the natural CO2 scrubbers of Earth (Amazon & congo rainforest come to mind) are being deforested for $$$ gain.

Always love to quote the late great George Carlin: "The Earth is fine, the people are fucked, but the earth will be fine."


mediocre_mitten t1_it28vzq wrote

>Anyone on your property is potentially your liability. Although those ATV’s are supposed to be registered, titled and insured, it’s likely that some are not

^^ This^^.

IANAL, but almost certain if you don't have visible "Private property, NO atvs (+add what ever else)" signs, then YOU technically ARE responsible for "whatever happens" on said property. Might be worth the few hundo to consult w/property attorney, even if just for liability purposes.