
medsmthng OP t1_jaakrxv wrote

I think you would like some of Schopenhauer's work... said to be painted with something I could, borrowing, call "cheerful" pessimism...

Also, disagreeing with a saying of a stoic doesn't mean the philosophy in general is wrong...

and I don't they promise you'll live a eudaemonic life... instead, I believe they advise one to be "cautious" and to lower their expectations and expect the worst, as not to be so shocked, when the bad things happen... but also, it's not like they encourage inactivity! No, they encourage one to do what he can, what he can control, and to not postpone things, and to have the courage to do what you should do, so as to live life not burdened by the consequences of the opposite of that...

and, Man, from what you mentioned, I couldn't but say, like they say, I feel for you! and for the people who commented... I hope you the best!

and also for who wouldn't read the books I suggested, It gives me the feeling that made me write the post! When people reject what would help them!


medsmthng OP t1_jaafoj7 wrote

Seneca, the stoic philosopher is "somewhat" with the idea of suicide, although I disagree with him... and he suffered from serious illness too. Epictetus was disabled and a slave... but they encouraged living a "good" life, for everybody, a life without additional unnecessary suffering

and what you said in the first paragraph is not how they put it... and I couldn't do their philosophy justice by my wording, especially here... They do!

As you read those opinions, it would benefit you to check out stoic literature extensively, and yes, even from the Roman emperor... It's not only me who says so, but many people from all sorts... including the disabled/chronically ill throughout history...

It's something good for you, if you want it!


medsmthng OP t1_jaaagyo wrote

An objection to the teachings of stoicism! Not a sound one though!

I don't recall reading something in Epictetus work formed like the exaggeration you put together, an exaggeration aimed at making the advice/notions look ridiculous, maybe stemming from misunderstanding the teachings...

Let's go with the example of the people who suffer the most in this world... How are the teachings of stoicism not beneficial for them to go through life... How would they be offended of something beneficial to them and for the peace of their minds... What do you suggest otherwise in that aspect?! Whatever it is, you'll probably find stoics have mentioned... Heck, you would find some of those people, the ones who want and do live life, living with those teachings/ideas without ever hearing about the word stoicism... Or do you suggest they kill themselves because of their suffering?!

I could address this more and more, but, Let's not... !
