
meem09 t1_jceysbm wrote

What do you mean by genuine case? That she has a case to appeal this?

I don't think that's how it works. Or at least it shouldn't. Yes, rules like this always place a bigger burden on people outside the norm, such as people with mental health issues, but at the end of the day it is very, very well known that world-class athletes always have to be available for testing or at least update their whereabouts. At the very least someone in her circle should be on top of this. Specifically after two strikes. Additionally, you can't just say "I'm done competing for this year" and that stops testing. Arguably that's exactly the point where there should be more tests, because a long period of not competing right before the Olympic season is where you would run a nice series of gear if that were what you are doing, to get the most out of that time.

Not saying she has done anything. She's not accused of that, but the system is in place the way it is for very good reasons and there seems to be no doubt that she did miss those tests.