merganzer t1_iuj9asy wrote
Reply to comment by the_dude_upvotes in For Halloween I'm not a cat. by Greenwing
I felt so bad for that guy. Judge was a stickler for decorum.
My Zoom gets confused sometimes when I switch between the pro account my employer uses to host meetings and my personal one. Even if I log in with my personal credentials, it occasionally shows the business name on my profile: Buttfuckers 'R' Us. It really could happen to anyone.
merganzer t1_itxeqx8 wrote
Reply to comment by AcrobaticSource3 in Tifu by assuming a kid has paint on her face by marshall105
I'm sitting here wondering how a kid dresses recognizably as George Washington Carver--I know who he was, but not what he looked like. Giant peanut prop, maybe?
merganzer t1_jbau9lz wrote
Reply to comment by AuthorityAnarchyYes in The Founder of Mr. Beef, the Legendary Chicago Italian Beef Stand, Has Died by AuthorityAnarchyYes
With a name like that, it was a missed opportunity not to go into the candy business.
Jokes aside, I now regret not trying a sandwich there when I was in Chicago a few years ago.