
metallurgyhelp t1_jedbal6 wrote

Before the Meiji era, would it be allowed for a well-off farmer's daughter to marry the son of either a retainer of the Tokugawa shogunate or a magistrate of the rice storehouse? Or would the caste system make it not possible?

Apparently, only those within the same caste can marry or something. Retainer = samurai family.


metallurgyhelp t1_jd9oudy wrote

Was it fairly common to have a female master teaching either naginatajutsu (naginata polearm) or kyudo/kyujutsu (bow) to fellow women during the Meiji era and pre-WWII? Or did men teach this to women back then too, in a dojo setting? Or did only their husbands/father teach them?

I've noticed a common trend that these arts tend to have mostly women practitioners nowadays, but how about as far back as over a century ago?