
meusiclver t1_j9rmhak wrote

Incorrect, I have no personal sensitivities discussing trailers. Thin walls, trailers, and solutions can be discussed thoughtfully. I don't believe the op of this thread was being intentionally hurtful to anyone, especially me. In fact, assuming positive intent is why I wanted to speak up about how the comment could be perceived, especially since the original OP is working on a trailer.


meusiclver t1_j9qzjj7 wrote

The "just" can be used to imply inferior, derogatory, less than, or a way to diminish others feelings. "Why are you excited, it's just a song?" "Don't worry, she's just a girl". In both examples it is a song or a girl, but the just changes the tone and meaning of the sentence. If the sentence was, It's a trailer, not a house, so the walls are thinner, that is a different tone than it's just a trailer not a real house. The use of real implies that which is not real is a knock off or inferior as well.