
mf723622 t1_iyxv9hf wrote

Reply to comment by amberoze in Wake up, people by h4clovecory

What time do you go to bed, or start winding down for the night? If you have insomnia you should talk to your doctor because only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night will likely lead to poor health and an early death. Just saying you should try to figure out how to fix your insomnia.


mf723622 t1_iyxugaz wrote

Reply to comment by Harlequin-sama in Wake up, people by h4clovecory

I’m fortunate to have a job and a boss that provides this kind of flexibility, but I also have good sleep habits. I got to bed early enough where I can get 8 hours of sleep without having to feel like I need to jump out of bed the minute my alarm goes off because otherwise I’ll be late for work.


mf723622 t1_iyxg4dw wrote

Reply to comment by addrien in Wake up, people by h4clovecory

100%. There should be a footnote that says “continue sleeping if you haven’t gotten 7-9 hours of sleep”. Getting proper sleep, every night, is arguably the most important thing you can do to improve the quality of your life.