
micahamey t1_je8p5qb wrote

Growing up, I had always been careful, never rushing into anything without thinking it through. My parents used to tell me stories of how I would cautiously approach even the smallest decisions. Little did they know that this cautious nature would lead me to retain my one wish that everyone was granted at birth.

In our world, every person was born with the ability to have one wish granted. However, the cruel twist was that most people unknowingly squandered it during infancy, wishing for food or a diaper change. I, on the other hand, had somehow managed to hold onto my wish for 19 years without even realizing it.

Now, as a 19-year-old, I found myself growing increasingly restless, feeling the urge to finally use my wish. The possibilities were endless, and the responsibility weighed heavily on my shoulders. For days, I pondered over what to wish for, considering the potential consequences of each choice.

I contemplated wealth, happiness, and even world peace, but with each passing day, I grew more conflicted. My wish had survived for 19 years, and I didn't want to waste it on something frivolous or short-sighted.

One evening, as I sat at home browsing through my social media feed, I stumbled upon a post by a friend who had just adopted a rescue dog. The joy on her face and the happiness that the dog brought to her life made me realize that maybe my wish didn't have to be grand or world-changing.

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and made my wish.

"I wish to adopt the perfect rescue pet, one that I can provide a loving home for, and who will be my loyal companion throughout life's ups and downs."

As the words left my lips, I felt a warm sensation enveloping me. When I opened my eyes, I knew my wish had been granted. The very next day, I visited a local animal shelter, where I found the most wonderful dog. We connected instantly, and I knew that I had found my perfect companion.

Though my wish may have seemed mundane compared to grander desires, it brought immense happiness and fulfillment to both my life and the life of my rescue dog. Sometimes, the most profound impacts can come from the simplest of wishes.


micahamey t1_je8oki7 wrote

u/NotSoSuperHero: "Hey u/frigganlazer, do you have a favorite color? Or is your life just various shades of evil?"

u/frigganlazer: "Ah, u/NotSoSuperHero, I see you're quite the comedian. But to answer your oh-so-original question, my favorite color is actually rainbow. Yes, that's right, even us evil masterminds enjoy a splash of color in our lives. Shocking, I know."

u/CuriousCatastrophe: "u/frigganlazer, what's your favorite pastime when you're not plotting world domination?"

u/frigganlazer: "Well, u/CuriousCatastrophe, when I'm not busy holding the world hostage with my space laser, I enjoy knitting. Nothing quite like creating a cozy pair of socks to warm my cold, villainous heart."

u/UnderwhelmedUnderdog: "If you could have any superpower, u/frigganlazer, what would it be and why?"

u/frigganlazer: "Oh, u/UnderwhelmedUnderdog, such a thought-provoking question! As if having a space laser capable of obliterating your precious Earth isn't enough. But if I must indulge your curiosity, I'd choose the power to make everyone's Wi-Fi go out at random times. You know, just to keep things interesting."

u/SpaceLaserEnthusiast: "u/frigganlazer, any advice for aspiring super villains out there?"

u/frigganlazer: "Dearest u/SpaceLaserEnthusiast, my advice for budding evildoers would be to remember that even the most diabolical plans can be foiled by the most mundane of obstacles. So, always remember to double-check your evil lair's Wi-Fi password and, of course, invest in a solid backup generator. Best of luck!"


micahamey t1_je8ojuy wrote

u/NotSoSuperHero: "Hey u/frigganlazer, do you have a favorite color? Or is your life just various shades of evil?"

u/frigganlazer: "Ah, u/NotSoSuperHero, I see you're quite the comedian. But to answer your oh-so-original question, my favorite color is actually rainbow. Yes, that's right, even us evil masterminds enjoy a splash of color in our lives. Shocking, I know."

u/CuriousCatastrophe: "u/frigganlazer, what's your favorite pastime when you're not plotting world domination?"

u/frigganlazer: "Well, u/CuriousCatastrophe, when I'm not busy holding the world hostage with my space laser, I enjoy knitting. Nothing quite like creating a cozy pair of socks to warm my cold, villainous heart."

u/UnderwhelmedUnderdog: "If you could have any superpower, u/frigganlazer, what would it be and why?"

u/frigganlazer: "Oh, u/UnderwhelmedUnderdog, such a thought-provoking question! As if having a space laser capable of obliterating your precious Earth isn't enough. But if I must indulge your curiosity, I'd choose the power to make everyone's Wi-Fi go out at random times. You know, just to keep things interesting."

u/SpaceLaserEnthusiast: "u/frigganlazer, any advice for aspiring super villains out there?"

u/frigganlazer: "Dearest u/SpaceLaserEnthusiast, my advice for budding evildoers would be to remember that even the most diabolical plans can be foiled by the most mundane of obstacles. So, always remember to double-check your evil lair's Wi-Fi password and, of course, invest in a solid backup generator. Best of luck!"


micahamey t1_je8nnb1 wrote

In the days following Gareth's departure, I found myself at a crossroads. Though I had become a formidable warrior, I was unsure of my purpose. As I wandered the realm, I realized that perhaps I could share the gifts I had been given, helping others like me to become better versions of themselves.

I returned to the ancient crypt where I had once served as a feeble skeleton archer. My fellow undead stared at me in disbelief, hardly recognizing the skilled warrior I had become. I spoke to them, my voice filled with conviction, and told them of my journey and the lessons I had learned.

One by one, they agreed to let me teach them. Under my guidance, the undead honed their skills and crafted new, powerful equipment. As they grew stronger, I saw the same spark of potential in them that Gareth had seen in me. Together, we formed an unstoppable force, an army of undead warriors, each a formidable opponent in their own right.

Word of our new-found strength spread far and wide, reaching the ears of Gareth himself. He returned, prepared to face this mysterious undead army, his sword at the ready. As he approached our ranks, he saw me standing at the forefront, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Gareth, my friend," I called out, "we owe our transformation to you. You showed me the path to redemption and strength, and now I've shared your teachings with my brethren."

The undead warriors behind me kneeled, an act of fealty to the hero who had indirectly changed their fates. Gareth, moved by our display, sheathed his sword and addressed us.

"An army like this, born of hope and second chances, could be a powerful force for good in this realm. Will you join me and help bring peace to the land?"

We bowed our heads, pledging our loyalty to the hero who had not only saved my life but had also shown us a new path.

Together, Gareth and our undead army marched forward, united in our quest for justice and redemption. We became a symbol of hope and change, proving that even those once considered lost could find their way in the light.


micahamey t1_je8nm19 wrote

I was the laughingstock of the undead army, a skeleton archer so woefully inept that even my fellow skeletal minions mocked me. My mind was slow, my aim abysmal, and my armor barely held together. The bow I clutched in my bony fingers was cracked and worn, and my arrows were little more than sharpened sticks.

One fateful day, as I stood guard in the ancient crypt, the hero of the story burst into our lair. I dutifully raised my bow, attempting to shoot him as he slashed his way through the undead horde. As he drew nearer, I readied another arrow, certain he would cut me down in an instant.

But then, my bow broke with a pitiful snap.

The hero, now only a few feet away, halted in his tracks. He stared at me for a moment before breaking into a chuckle. To my amazement, he sheathed his sword and extended a hand in friendship.

"Join me," he said, a warm smile on his face, "and I'll help you become a force to be reckoned with."

With nothing left to lose, I hesitantly accepted his offer. Together, we embarked on a journey that would forever change my existence.

The hero, whose name was Gareth, became my mentor and friend. He taught me the art of archery, patiently instructing me on how to aim and shoot with precision. He crafted a new bow for me, sturdy and powerful, and fashioned a set of armor that fit me perfectly. Under his guidance, I grew stronger and faster, my accuracy improving with each passing day.

We traveled together, fighting side by side against the forces of darkness. As my skills sharpened, I began to earn the respect of those we encountered, no longer a pitiful skeleton archer but a true warrior.

One day, as we stood atop a hill overlooking a peaceful valley, Gareth turned to me, his eyes filled with pride.

"My friend, you have become a force to be reckoned with. It's time for me to continue my journey alone, but I know you'll continue to do great things."

With a final embrace, Gareth left me, his mission calling him to new adventures. I stood there, gazing at the horizon, grateful for the friendship and guidance he had given me.

Now, I was no longer the feeble skeleton archer I once was. I was a skilled warrior, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And though I would miss Gareth dearly, I knew that the lessons he had taught me would remain with me forever, guiding me on my path towards greatness.


micahamey t1_je8mp3l wrote

Adriel and I worked tirelessly, navigating the treacherous depths of Earth 7. We faced countless challenges, but our determination to bring hope and redemption to the lost souls never wavered. Together, we were a force of light amidst the encroaching darkness.

One day, we encountered a particularly dangerous situation. A group of malicious souls, enraged by our efforts to change the hearts of the sinners, plotted to stop us at any cost. Adriel and I, unbeknownst to the impending peril, walked straight into their trap.

Surrounded and outnumbered, we fought valiantly, defending ourselves and those we had come to help. Adriel, with their indomitable spirit, managed to hold the malevolent souls at bay. However, in the heat of the battle, one of the attackers struck a fatal blow, piercing Adriel's heart.

I watched, heartbroken, as the light in Adriel's eyes flickered and died. Their sacrifice had saved many, but I was left to continue our mission alone. Grief-stricken and consumed by a profound sense of loss, I began to lose my way.

Without Adriel's unwavering conviction, the darkness of Earth 7 began to seep into my soul. I found myself growing bitter and resentful, and, in time, I teetered on the brink of committing the very sins I had once sought to eradicate.

One fateful day, as I stood over a trembling soul, consumed by rage and despair, I prepared to take a life. It was in that very moment, the darkest hour of my existence, that I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I turned to see Adriel, their face serene and radiant, standing beside me. They had returned, not as a mortal, but as an angel, just as I once was. Adriel had ascended to Earth 1, and now, they had been sent back to guide me away from the abyss I was about to plunge into.

"Remember our purpose," Adriel whispered softly, their voice soothing the turmoil within me. "We are here to bring hope and redemption, not to perpetuate the cycle of darkness."

Tears filled my eyes as I lowered my hand, releasing the terrified soul. Adriel's presence was the lifeline I so desperately needed, a beacon of light to guide me back from the edge of despair.

Together once more, Adriel and I resumed our mission to help the lost souls of Earth 7. We knew the path ahead would be arduous and fraught with danger, but with renewed faith and the strength of our bond, we would continue to shine our light into the darkest corners of the universe.


micahamey t1_je8mnpx wrote

For millennia, I have served the divine order as an angelic judge, tasked with the sacred duty of redistributing the souls among the Seven Earths. Earth 1, the celestial realm of the virtuous, was reserved for the most holy and righteous. Earth 7, the final and lowest plane, housed the worst of the sinners.

Over the course of six months, I diligently worked to assess the souls on Earth 7, granting upgraded passports to those who had genuinely repented and sought redemption. Many petitioned for the chance to ascend to Earth 6, or even higher, to escape the darkness that engulfed their world.

And then I met Adriel, a paragon of virtue who stood out like a beacon of light amidst the shadows. As I examined their life, I was astounded by their unwavering commitment to kindness and compassion, even in the face of overwhelming darkness. Adriel was a rarity, a soul deserving of Earth 1.

Yet, when I offered Adriel passage to the highest plane, they refused.

"I wish to remain here on Earth 7," Adriel said, "to guide others towards the light and help them find the path to redemption."

I tried to convince Adriel otherwise, reminding them of the serenity and splendor that awaited them on Earth 1. However, Adriel's resolve remained unshaken, and their words slowly began to resonate within me.

"By staying here," Adriel continued, "we can bring hope to those who have lost their way. We can show them that redemption is possible, and help them ascend to higher Earths."

Adriel's selfless dedication to the forsaken souls of Earth 7 struck a chord within me. For the first time in my existence, I questioned the divine order, the very essence of my being. The thought of relinquishing my wings to join Adriel in their quest to uplift the sinners of Earth 7 took root in my heart.

After a long and arduous contemplation, I made a decision that would alter the course of my eternal existence. I chose to give up my wings and remain on Earth 7 with Adriel.

Together, we embarked on a journey to guide the lost souls towards redemption, to teach them the virtues of compassion and forgiveness, and to prove that even in the darkest corners of the universe, hope could still prevail.


micahamey t1_je8lfbt wrote

In the grand halls of the Arcanium, my fellow mages cast intricate spells, their luxurious velvet robes fluttering with every gesture. Meanwhile, I quietly practiced my modest magic in the corner, clad in a humble cotton robe.

"Lucius!" bellowed Archmage Branthor. "Redwater needs our help. Their harvest has been destroyed by a sudden frost, and their people are starving."

Lucius, a mage known for his extravagant spells and rituals, stepped forward. "I'll need several weeks to gather the necessary materials and perform the ritual, but I can save their crops."

I hesitated, knowing that Redwater couldn't wait that long. But instead of voicing my concerns, I decided to act on my own. I packed my meager belongings and set off for Redwater, determined to help them in their time of need.

Upon arrival, I gathered the necessary ingredients: salt, a bit of twine, and a single copper coin. With a short incantation, I sprinkled the salt over the frostbitten crops, wrapped the twine around the coin, and uttered the final words of the spell.

A warm breeze blew through the fields, melting the frost and reviving the withered crops. The villagers rejoiced, gratitude shining in their eyes. I simply asked them to keep my identity a secret, not wishing for recognition.

A week later, Lucius arrived in Redwater, laden with exotic ingredients and scrolls detailing complex rituals. The villagers exchanged amused glances, then directed him to their flourishing fields.

Lucius stared at the vibrant crops in disbelief. "But how? My ritual wasn't even complete!"

The village elder, a twinkle in his eye, explained that their crops had been saved by a mysterious benefactor, who had used a simple, yet powerful spell. Lucius, his face red with embarrassment, sputtered an apology before departing, his reputation bruised but his ego intact.

As word of Redwater's miraculous recovery spread through the Arcanium, the mages wondered who the mysterious hero could be. I kept my secret, a smile playing on my lips. I was the budget mage, and my swift, effective magic had saved a village, proving that grandeur and extravagance weren't always necessary to make a difference.