
michaelisnotginger t1_ja39jfe wrote

Ghostwritten is amazing equal to cloud atlas imo

Could never get into number9dream

Cloud atlas is obviously exceptional. Black swan green I really like but is very much of his time and place

Never read the autumns of Jacob Zoet, but didn't finish utopia avenue.... dreadful


michaelisnotginger t1_j6khzcz wrote

The way he did it was revolutionary at the time. He segues his description of the mass of London commuters with Dante's descriptions of the indecisive angels at the vestibule of hell is amazing. And the contrast of the Philemon/Tereus story in a game of chess with it's mythology of mutilation with the conversation about demob soldiers and their girlfriends and their own sexual fulfilment (or lack). It's still so artfully done


michaelisnotginger t1_iy3sjgh wrote

The end of the Mirror and the Light is up there with any part of the trilogy. It is exceptional.

If you like this trilogy I can recommend her biography Giving up the Ghost, and Beyond Black for something very different. And if you want historical fiction, a place of greater safety is less polished, but still captivating.