
mickdrop t1_j6ndbpe wrote

My advice: stay open but don't force it.

Something I noticed on this sub is that many people treat reading like a work. They will push themselves to read more, faster, broader, they will post review and complete excel sheets. And that's fine, but at the end of the day reading is a pleasure, not a chore. It's totally fine and healthy to want to broaden your horizon but you have a favorite genre for a reason: it's your favorite. Embrace your tastes.

But at the same time, stay open. If you come across a book in another genre that has been warmly reviewed and you're in a lull, give it a shot. You might find something new you like. Just don't force it.


mickdrop t1_j23siv6 wrote

Once you accept something like the 1st law, you also have carte blanche to commit all kind of atrocities to save more lives. You can justify killing one person to harvest his organs to save 5 persons. That's the trolley problem once again.