
midgethemage OP t1_j1kq0lp wrote

Regularly through that area and other swaths of interstate that are more sparsely traveled. Plus, I tend to try to time my traveling later in the day to avoid traffic. Hell, I live in LA now and I don't drive that speed, too densely traveled to feel safe going that speed


midgethemage OP t1_j1k3gqq wrote

Portland drivers are definitely different, but in some ways act similarly. With them, it's more like a "social justice warrior" thing where they don't think you should speed, so they'll do everything in their power to prevent you from speeding. Less brake checking, and more speed matching other cars to keep you from getting around them.

In my opinion, Seattle drivers are much better than Portland drivers. Seattle drivers are more conscious of driving etiquette and at least act like they have somewhere to be.


midgethemage OP t1_j1jkl0d wrote

Yeah, I completely agree and have experienced a lot of what you described. I think the pandemic made it worse, but it hasn't been exclusively post-pandemic for me either. The people trying to race this always baffles me. Like bro, no thank you. It's midnight and I'm just trying to go home.

In 2020 I was basically living 50/50 between Portland and Seattle. I usually depart around 7 or 8pm because you avoid almost all traffic at that point. And with driving so much, I always just ready to get home. And yet these guys just gotta act like they own the road


midgethemage OP t1_j1jjouc wrote

Speeding absolutely does not warrant tailgating, brake checking, and veering into someone else's lane.

And I don't play the game. When someone starts acting like this, I make a very conscious choice of switching over to the middle lane and slowing down, because I'm actively trying not to engage with that behavior.


midgethemage OP t1_j1jfyss wrote

While I do agree overall, there seems to be an abundance of them in that area. Personally, I've never encountered it driving in the rural parts of California. I once encountered it going through Albany, OR but that experience was pretty short lived. But it's so bad in that area specifically that I've learned to depend on it happening and have to mentally brace myself for it


midgethemage OP t1_j1jflkx wrote

Ugh same. I can feel my blood pressure go up when driving these days, which sucks because I really enjoy driving as long as people aren't being pricks.

I once was heading to Seattle from Portland. Driving through Olympia it dawned on me I hadn't dropped off the money order for rent, so I had to drive back to Portland, drop off my rent, then go back to Seattle. Drove 9 or 10 hours that day. I actually kind of enjoyed it, just listening to my music all loud without much of a care in the world. Really glad psycho drivers weren't out that day


midgethemage OP t1_j1jf2r5 wrote

Same! I've driven LA to Portland 6ish times, so I've put a lot of miles on I-5, but I've never had any experiences like this outside of that specific stretch of I-5. I'd definitely agree the pandemic made it worse, but it was still happening in that area before then


midgethemage t1_j1j7m7d wrote

Hello fellow Angeleno. Imma tell you right now: don't.

This time last year I was transitioning to moving from Portland to LA. My boyfriend and I spent Christmas day with my family and planned to drive back down to LA the day after.

Well, a snow storm started coming through that day. The roads on the pass on I-5 were closed, and they can be dangerous even when they're not closed. We ended up having to take the 101 (coastal roads) all the way down to SF before we could even get back onto I-5. And the coast still had snow, just not a dangerous amount.

All-in-all it took us 25 hours to make the entire drive when it should usually be 16 hours, breaks included.

I can not stress enough how much better off you are spending your Christmas in 80 degree weather.