
mikewarnock t1_j5h35mo wrote

That is my experience. They only seem to ticket based on the two hour time limit. I see tons of cars parked way to close to the intersection all of the time and they seem to do nothing about it.

I have a theory that it has to do with the app they use to scan license plates to determine if you have a permit. I assume that the app automatically tags the time and location for each scan and when it detects a same location over the two hour limit for a tag it prints the ticket with no or little action required by the agent. However, if the agent wants to give a ticket for something like parked to close to the curb they have to take a picture, enter data, etc.


mikewarnock t1_itvdeaa wrote

This happened to me when I lived around 18th and pine about 1999 or 2000. Two guido looking dudes in a white van pulled up to me on the sidewalk and told me they had these awesome speakers left over from a home theater job. They even had a brochure that had quotes about how good they were and how they retailed for 2k. I think they wanted $200 from me.

I of course declined. I can’t remember the name of the speakers.