
milesri t1_j6pe4xf wrote

No problem. Love telling folks about our pretty nice state. Bear in mind that March is not really spring here. It can be nice and sunny or snow and nor'easters. I will hope you get a few of the nice ones.

Also, if you're willing to drive, Beavertail Park in Jamestown is one of my favorite places in RI. If it's warm enough, take a picnic.

Drive defensively! We are crazy drivers.


milesri t1_iwn7mpj wrote

Wayland Manor is in a very good location BUT it is an old building and not in the greatest shape. Also very expensive considering it's age. It might be a good option in the short term while you're looking for something more permanent. Walkable to lots of restaurants and shops, grocery options, and nice walking paths.

One good thing about WM is it is built solidly. No trouble with noise from neighboring apartments while I was there. Noise from outside was sometimes an issue but not terrible.

Full disclosure I hated living at WM but some of it it was during the beginning of COVID and I was massively depressed so don't think I should make a blanket judgement.

Now I live down near Bullock's Point. Nice neighborhood but you'd need to drive a lot more. Also with the way we drive here the commute from BP to Pawtucket could get to be a daily grind. I'm a cranky old person so can't speak to night life and such.

Welcome to Rhode Island. Drive defensively.