
mimiruyumi t1_ixff5og wrote

Fiction being devoid of the authors point of view is simply silly as every fiction story is going to have a point of view as it SHOULD.

Occasionally I will run into what I'd say is "too much" which means that the message of the story completely overtakes the story/or that it's so blunt and in your face that it's like...did you want the reader to think at all? Did you want to push the reader to challenge anything? And btw, this happens often with books whose message I actually agree with! I read a book recently where I completely agreed with the message, but it was just so...stated without any way for the reader to think that it felt hollow.


mimiruyumi t1_ix5i03u wrote

As someone who doesn't like a lot of language, I'd still say get the original. One thing in the Martian is every time people used profanity I was sort of like...yeah, this situation actually calls for it lol like they were under a lot of pressure. I think it adds when I normally wouldn't think it would.


mimiruyumi t1_iugovo1 wrote

I just read her, but in fairness, I only read Blackout because it was on the hugo award winners list and I was going through them. I've never heard of her before doing that, and I couldn't find her book in the bookstore, I had to order it.

Are her other books different from blackout? Loved the idea behind that one but couldn't stand the execution 😬 The "Everything goes absolutely wrong for 300 pages" just dragged on so long for me and I got too frustrated by the end. (I know it's a book that was split into two, so I'm not mad that not much happened)