
misanthrope2327 t1_j5su5n7 wrote

It's times like these I think of Hanlon's razor:  "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

If the money is gone from your account, the bank will be able to tell. Frustrating as hell, but odds are it'll work out, if not, don't be quiet. Make noise, go public etc


misanthrope2327 t1_iube65i wrote

This describes me well, though maybe not quite as severe as what you describe.

Honestly, the best I ever feel is after 2 beers and a little weed. It gets me out of my own head, I feel like I can speak and be quick on my feet when I'm not normally. I can speak without having to think about the exact words I'm going to say - just knowing what I want to say it's enough. YMMV.