
mischavus618 t1_j911ghp wrote

I spoke to a man yesterday who explained his wife got her permit with no intentions of ever carrying on a regular basis—she got it so she could purchase ammo, possibly transporting a gun to him, etc. He gave me about 20 reasons.

But the biggest reason was…..gun laws are only going to get tougher so she figured she’d get it now while she could.

People are odd.


mischavus618 t1_j2de59k wrote

Holy shit! I was just going to comment and ask the same question!

We went from gender to heritage in a split second and some how intertwined them.

Why don’t you start educating me since I’m 52 and have no idea WTF your point is or how the 2 relate? Sure I could look in up but something tells me this will be much more entertaining.
