
mizmoxiev t1_jeae0u2 wrote

Yeah it's all pretty much a ruse that's what I mean lol

The market goes up and down daily and weekly and monthly in amounts that crashed the 2008 Market. Not just mortgages but we have also seen "bank created wealth" and "the value of art" etc be just as much of a fraud for 1%ers to wash money as it ever has been

I think fintech has the potential to be even more damaging because some of those old safeguards made it so that very small groups of people were committing money with large amounts of wealth. I'm sure they have mitigations and stop gaps in place if things get too hairy, or I would like to believe that 😹

We have a lot more to lose this go around


mizmoxiev t1_jea099j wrote

Someone with vision has to be in charge of it. Real vision. You can't just throw billions of dollars at something and thousands of intelligent hard working personnel, and then "bam it works" major LOL

And if you have something that previously innovated a space, you can't just throw billions of more dollars at it and expect it to re-enovate that same space by doing what would be the scale equivalent of the bare minimm in that particular situation.

How incredibly short sighted.

Adobe did the same thing, when they tried to buy canva and canva said no, so then canva announced a full Suite of new tools at their annual Creator Summit last year and Adobe freaked out and put in a 20(B)illion dollar offer to buy Figma (which wasn't for sale and doesn't need adobe fucking it up, but here we are)

You have to *really* innovate, every time. Or, you'll end up a bored AF with a (T)rillion Dollar valuation while living in a prison of analysis paralysis.


mizmoxiev t1_je0gnsh wrote

Twitter Infinity: For -150,000 a year you can be a brilliant Twitter Engineer holding Twitter together by the strings of your amazing skills, while you get Elongated Muskrat's coffee AND the privilege of him taking credit for all your hard work!

(While paying HIM for the privilege of being in his presence)