
mlennox81 t1_j4j8ty4 wrote

One time I was silly enough to mention the words “blade kerf” the blank expression I got made me feel real silly. I go to the lumber yard when I can, probably a good $10-15 more expensive a panel but the quality is way better, they can actually cut it and they help me load it in the car too. But they’re closed by noon on saturdays.


mlennox81 t1_j4he33t wrote

The flat carts Home Depot have work great for it, I either bring if I have one or buy the one inch pink panther foam sheets that are 4x8 set the wood ontop and so you have a spoilboard surface and happy cutting. You just have to figure out where the flat spot in the parking lot is haha.


mlennox81 t1_j4g6s5u wrote

I got so sick of waiting around for someone to cut up a sheet for me, or getting everything and then being told the saw is broken and having to drive 30 minutes to another Home Depot etc. That I got a battery skill saw so I can just do it myself in the parking lot.


mlennox81 t1_j0r3yib wrote

Advisors? Those morons should just spend all of their time studying financial reports of companies and combine that with knowledge of previous history of the stock market and studying economics… wait shit that worked for Warren Buffet.


mlennox81 t1_ixu9td6 wrote

Leave the front open on front loaders always but also the trick I learned years ago that has worked for me is to buy Borax and throw a bit into the drum with every load (your clothes will come cleaner and you’ll use less detergent as well) and it will eliminate the smell and it will never come back. Bonus it will soften your water. Also not related but powdered detergent is great, liquid you’re just paying for added water and a great big plastic container and sake goes for pods.