
mobert_roses t1_jac3wrw wrote

You are reading the table wrong. The outstanding delinquent taxes in the right column are as of Dec. 31st, 2022, not as of the last day of the calendar year when the taxes referred to were due. Delinquent taxes listed here from tax year 2020-2021 were at least 1.5 years late by Dec. 31st, 2022. This is why I’m encouraging OP to please do more research into the status of previous years’ taxes.


mobert_roses t1_jaat7ts wrote

Interesting. I’ve admittedly never been asked to handle escrow payments, but I’m gonna ask my coworkers about them tomorrow. To be clear, I don’t work in Wolcott, but in one of the state’s larger municipalities.

I would still encourage you to look at previous years’ reports, even if a city employee told you that. Sometimes city employees should be directing questions to the appropriate coworker rather than trying to answer them themselves, if that makes sense.

Your Clerk’s office should have copies of every recent annual report.


mobert_roses t1_jaanzmk wrote

This is not showing all time delinquent taxes for each year, but:

In the first column, amount of taxes still due from the indicated tax year after their due date as of Jan. 1st, 2022.

In the second column, amount of delinquent taxes for the indicated tax year collected in calendar year 2022.

In the third column, amount of delinquent taxes still due for the indicated tax year as of Dec. 31st, 2022.

This is a very poorly designed table, and I understand your confusion. Also, I work in municipal finance, and I appreciate you doing your due diligence to hold your public officials to account. G-d knows my exposure to crappy graphics is the only reason I have an inkling of what is going on here, lol.

I would encourage you to dig up town reports from the last 5 years and compare the data in them. I hope you will find that this is not astronomically high, but who knows. It does look at least a little high. No clerk worth his or her salt is going to begrudge you looking into town finances.

One other thing: at the office where I work, we do not go tracking down escrow payments that don’t show up on time, because it is not strictly our responsibility to keep track of which tax accounts are being paid through escrow. I would have a stern conversation with your lender and consider asking Wolcott’s delinquent tax collector if some of the fees on your tax bill could be waived given that you thought it was being paid by escrow.


mobert_roses t1_jaal63j wrote

Have you compared this against annual reports from previous years?

Just based on this document, the amount of outstanding delinquent taxes at the end of the year looks high, but not that much higher than the previous year. Looks like there was about $7,850 in delinquent 2020-2021 taxes still outstanding at the end of 2021. Not that far off from $10,300.