moldyfishfinger t1_j79i8w0 wrote
Reply to comment by AddisonsContracture in TIL the number of people who identify as Native American on the US Census increased by 86% from 2010 to 2020. by substantial-freud
I ain't even mad. GGrandma had game
moldyfishfinger t1_j79hnp1 wrote
Reply to comment by AddisonsContracture in TIL the number of people who identify as Native American on the US Census increased by 86% from 2010 to 2020. by substantial-freud
She's long dead, but It gets wilder.
My dad's mom's brother's son did the same DNA test and he has native ancestry. Definitely something funny going on but not shit can be done about it now but laugh.
moldyfishfinger t1_j79fmcg wrote
Reply to comment by cox_ph in TIL the number of people who identify as Native American on the US Census increased by 86% from 2010 to 2020. by substantial-freud
In the inverse, it was always thought my great grandfather was half Cherokee. There were pictures and he had all sorts of stories about growing up with his Cherokee family and friends.
Well my dad, his grandson, took one of those dna tests, we had exactly zero native American ancestry.
It just made it all very weird.
moldyfishfinger t1_j6b50om wrote
Reply to comment by bunnymama0926 in Bathtub water pressure low by bunnymama0926
Not to ask the dumb question first and be that guy, but did you turn back on the valves at the tub?
moldyfishfinger t1_j67duzn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in LPT: Any time you apply to a job, send yourself an email with the job description and title. by HairyPotatoCouch
There are free and good word processors...
moldyfishfinger t1_j67d1cx wrote
Reply to comment by EverybodyHasPants in BuzzFeed to use OpenAI technology to create content by pkosuda
::robotic laugh::
moldyfishfinger t1_j5whrca wrote
Reply to comment by efyuar in Canadian scientists exposed mice to vapour from JUUL e-cigarettes and found it caused changes in the animals' pulmonary immune cell composition and altered gene and protein levels in their lungs. by MistWeaver80
I've managed to convince myself at this point that every test they've done was at some crazy high temperatures or other unrealistic scenarios. The likely reality is it's probably just certain additives or cheap materials in wicks that get used that is going to be the real culprit, not necessarily just "vaping".
moldyfishfinger t1_j5ry50h wrote
Reply to comment by ttkciar in Yellen rejects minting $1T platinum coin to avoid US debt ceiling by CapitalCourse
I'd sell them a few for a really good price of just $500 billion each. And buy five get two free. I'll even gift wrap.
moldyfishfinger t1_j5rt4tc wrote
Reply to comment by noxx1234567 in The Key to California’s Survival Is Hidden Underground The state is ping-ponging between severe drought and catastrophic flooding. The solution to both? Making the landscape spongier. by Sariel007
There is an overabundance of fresh water entering the oceans from climate change melting off sea ice. Too much is entering the oceans, in fact.
moldyfishfinger t1_j5rst21 wrote
Reply to comment by VeterinarianOk5370 in The Key to California’s Survival Is Hidden Underground The state is ping-ponging between severe drought and catastrophic flooding. The solution to both? Making the landscape spongier. by Sariel007
Building up is naturally expensive to build and maintain, until an area is sufficiently urbanized to demand it. In suburban areas, you can build some up and some out - and maintain proper green spaces, but it's almost impossible to do in an area that is as car centric as the US.
moldyfishfinger t1_j5rrvis wrote
Reply to comment by Fluxmuster in The Key to California’s Survival Is Hidden Underground The state is ping-ponging between severe drought and catastrophic flooding. The solution to both? Making the landscape spongier. by Sariel007
Can you explain what you mean?
moldyfishfinger t1_j5mhih0 wrote
Reply to comment by rottenxsushi in Four Men Toss Deer Urine On Woman At Walmart In Gettysburg by slantes19
I'd sue each of them in claims court for emotional distress. That could add up
moldyfishfinger t1_j79s6p5 wrote
Reply to comment by Tokio13 in TIL the number of people who identify as Native American on the US Census increased by 86% from 2010 to 2020. by substantial-freud
I'd agree but my dad's cousin did it and confirmed he had native ancestry. Can't link to my other comment about it