
moneybagmeisenheimer t1_j4m82me wrote

Yeah I’ve been leaning towards the same thought. I told them I would like to them personally inspect the headband drivers of the next pair before shipping so they will not have to do this again. They said they would comply with those test for me. So if my next pair arrives with no issues I’ll be please with the customer service.


moneybagmeisenheimer t1_j4lb404 wrote

So I ordered the edition XS b-stock 2 weeks ago. I received the item and the right yoke scraps and doesn’t lock correctly to the divots. I emailed customer service and they were speedy in sending me a return label and providing a replacement once they receive the headphone. Hopefully my second pair is perfect. The sound was truly amazing. We shall see if they follow through but yes the build quality is something to always be weary of.