
moonunit99 t1_j8z9n8j wrote

I believe the official cap is now 80 hrs/week averaged over a month. At least that’s what every program I’ve interviewed at has said this application cycle. But in reality you work till the job is done. Hell, even as a medical student I easily averaged over 80 hrs/week over some surgical rotations and even when we all went home the residents were going home to spend a few more hours finishing their notes and chart reviewing for the next day. You’re also heavily disincentivized to report going over duty hours because if your program is repeatedly reported for duty hour violations they’re placed on probation and may eventually be discredited, leaving you hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt with no guarantee of completing your residency at another program. If you compare hours to salary most residents, especially in the surgical specialties, make a good bit less than minimum wage.


moonunit99 t1_j5j8ctx wrote

If this had been advice for building strength or cramming a better workout into a short amount of time it’d be spot on, but they specifically said it was a life pro tip for “sculpting muscle,” which it is not. The reason all those isolation exercises that OP is suggesting you ignore exist in the first place is because they allow you to target specific muscle groups for hypertrophy, i.e. sculpting your muscles.