
moredinosaurbutts t1_j951r0h wrote

Makes sense. In my anecdotal experience, at least.

At age 28 I was diagnosed with Asperger's, so as you can imagine I have a lot of built up anxiety and trauma. I can't recognise novel threats, understand why/how they're threats, or understand how to avoid/solve those threats. Early severe anxiety was rational and life saving, the problem was I had no one to put things into perspective. Usually just either dismissed, shamed me, or punished me. I also have black and white thinking and hyperfocus. It's a huge challenge to overcome lingering fear and overactive startle response, since there often is a legitimate basis for what others assume is irrational.


moredinosaurbutts t1_j8cxkdi wrote

Interesting question, an answer to that could be groundbreaking. I suspect some forms of autism could benefit. But then you'd have to question whether it was the stem cell treatment or if it was simply early intervention's psychosocial impact.

Life expectancy for autistic people is actually disturbingly low. Taking their own lives, being victims of physical assault, victims of the justice system, undiagnosed health disorders... it's a bit grim. Physically, there are few seizure disorders and other co-morbid physical ailments, but aside from that they are indeed physically normal.


moredinosaurbutts t1_j8ci5co wrote

Thanks, this is exactly what I was clumsily attempting to communicate. There may be more peace with a late diagnosis, but by then you've been robbed of any chance. Better a small chance than none at all.


moredinosaurbutts t1_j8bovn8 wrote

True, hadn't considered that. The article does mention that it raises the possibility of Alzheimer's originating in adolescence before late adulthood. So perhaps this is merely very aggressive phenotype as you suggest.


moredinosaurbutts t1_j8blahh wrote

Not an attack, just curious - did you draw that conclusion from the study itself? How do we know it's rare if we don't cast aside the preconception that it's rare?


moredinosaurbutts t1_j8bkj7x wrote

Quite possible. However, Alzheimer's and research is nascent, highly controversial, and full of fraudulence. It could be a tip of the iceberg.


moredinosaurbutts t1_j8bjxzr wrote

Awful! I wonder if it's linked to their rapid brain development? I guess it makes some amount of sense. If the brain is deteriorating, the brain creates new pathways - but if those pathways weren't already there, or they were highly fluid and evolving, then all it does is contribute to faster cognitive decline.


moredinosaurbutts t1_j8bjiyx wrote

One one hand, it's a relief it can be diagnosed so early. On the other hand, misdiagnosis is horrible. Considering the fact that autism is severely undiagnosed and misdiagnosed, it really doesn't look good for this disease.