
morrissjeffa81 t1_izxs7j8 wrote

Not sure if any of you ever had a chance when it was open, but the Balsam'e Wilderness Ski Resort in Dixville Notch was absolutely wonderful. It wasn't the biggest or the baddest ski area, but the atmosphere was great, the views were beautiful, and trails were really in very nice condition. I skied there in the early 90's while attending Colebrook schools. My last time there was January 2003 after returning from Michigan for my grandfather's funeral. It was midweek when I went and there were maybe 15 people there, I had the place to myself with my fiancee at the time. Always loved that it was hidden away in the north and not spoiled. I heard of plans to restore the hotel and ski area along with expanding the ski services but it seems this is dead in the water at this time. Thankful for the memories.