
mortaneous t1_jdmgmhv wrote

The problem is also that you can't necessarily control the magnitude of your induced earthquake. There would always be a chance that trying to trigger a bunch of M4's would accidentally get you an unexpected M5 or M6, and it's likely that the chance is unacceptably high given the number of quakes you have to induce to release enough energy for preventing the bigger ones.


mortaneous t1_it0ytbf wrote

An anecdote fornyour anecdote, when I was in college around 20 years ago, I was spending 150-200 per Book, aside from some texts for literature and history courses, so your kid either has good teachers that know how to choose low cost course materials or they're taking courses that just don't have the typical textbooks.

I will say that I occasionally had a professor who knew we weren't going to use most of a book and just provided us photocopied excerpts from it instead of having us all buy a copy for 2 chapters and an appendix.