
mp90 t1_j70af3k wrote

Really sad. My father went to school with the founder's son in the 70's, and I went to school with the founder's granddaughter in NJ. The family eventually sold it to BBB and achieved the American dream since it was founded by an immigrant.


mp90 t1_iv766uy wrote

They're a victim of the same thing that happened to Uber and other '10s tech companies: the VC money dried up. Now they need to make a profit.

I also saw a very compelling insight recently that resonated with me: "Airbnb's core user base grew up and can now more easily afford hotels." When I was a young 20-something, I liked staying in Airbnb home shares on European vacations. But now as a 30-something, I prefer a higher level of comfort and cleanliness.


mp90 t1_iu5sa3u wrote

I’m in the midst of shopping for a new one now after a decade of service from my no-name jacket.

Patagonia seemed nice but the reviews weren’t great for the models I liked. I work in marketing so I can suss out review outliers, but enough of the reviews had consistent issues regardless of star rating.

I tried Nobis and Canada Goose. Both seem fantastic. Pricy, yes, but I live in a cold climate and if I keep it for a decade it’s a good value.


mp90 t1_isc698t wrote

My parents had the same one when they moved into their home in 1987. They replaced it with Miele when they renovated 22 years ago and it's still going strong. My assessment: more budget appliances were stronger many moons ago. Unless you invest in top-of-the-line appliances, you will be disappointed.