
mr_hei t1_j3scd6s wrote

Death comes for us all, my children.

Death is not the end. It is only the beginning. In the cycle of life, we are born, then we die, and are born again, and again, and again, until we are finally worthy to enter the Heavens.

For this world is only temporary. A holding-place, a waiting area, a schoolyard for souls to learn and grow. With these bodies of flesh, we pray, we worship, so that we may atone, and thereby ascend.

So rejoice. Death comes for us all.

Except George.

See that old man, over there. The white-haired white-bearded man, by the river. Yes, him. Death doesn't like him. He will never gain enlightenment. He will never enjoy the grace of the gods.

Why? It is said that long ago, George challenged the gods. He had a wife, Sally was her name, who had entered the Heavens. Instead of rejoicing, George cursed the gods. Yes, shocking! It is said that he spat on the idols, he burned the scriptures, and all sorts of blasphemy. He turned away from the gods. And now he suffers in the flesh for all eternity.

George knows what he did. Now he must reap what he sowed. Do you know his age? He is ninety-seven, now, older than me, older than Father Hamish, older than anyone else. And he does not repent. He curses the gods every day. The gods hear him, and they curse him in return. He will never die. He will never ascend. He will never see Heaven. Death will never come, not for him.

So listen, my children. Listen well. You must pray, every day. You must repent, every night. You must listen to your elders, and listen to the priests. Never doubt the scriptures, and always worship the gods with all your heart.

When Death comes for those you love, be not afraid. Rejoice for them, for they have been called to the Heavens. The sooner that Death calls, the better, for it means they have repented for their sins.

And when Death comes for you, my children, we will rejoice for you in turn.

Whenever that may be.