
mr_tyler_durden t1_irar6wm wrote

Not at all what I said and you know it.

I never said AI was stupid, I never said it will never be worth it, I never said we should stop trying to improve. I specifically said I expect it to continue to improve but the current roadmap in no way points to "The End of Programming".


mr_tyler_durden t1_ira0mnu wrote

> It seems totally obvious to me that of course all programs in the future will ultimately be written by AIs, with humans relegated to, at best, a supervisory role.

Unless we accomplish AGI then I’m calling bullshit. Yes our tools will continue to improve and help us accomplish more but the author is severely downplaying the role of a programmer here (and clearly isn’t one or isn’t a good one). I use GitHub CoPilot daily and it’s nice, it’s FAR from being able to correctly write more than a handful of lines (more-so if it’s boilerplate).

Again, I do believe our tools will continue to improve but they make huge (unsubstantiated) leaps in logic.