
mrguyorama t1_j1gdv69 wrote

Just like the recent minimum wage for servers vote we had in portland. The "pro" camp was a grassroots effort that spent like a few tens of thousands on campaigning, while the "anti" campaign was primarily an out of state restaurant lobbying group that spent MILLIONS on their campaign, including that "vote no on everything, enough is enough" campaign that was entirely put together by a restaurant lobbying group. Neat.


mrguyorama t1_iu1ev1y wrote

Reply to comment by iKnife in Oxford Casino last night. by RealMainer

There is not a single thing inside of a casino that is "fun" unless you are susceptible to the dopamine rush of putting something on the line. If you don't find the possibility of losing fun, then you will never find a casino fun, because every game, decision, styling choice, smell, etc is highly optimized around pushing that specific dopamine button and getting you addicted.

Konami, you know, that video game company, makes slot machines. They are not fun because they aren't supposed to be fun to play. They exist only as a legally distinct version of a skinner box.