
mrkvt t1_j6ldqw4 wrote

We haven’t been since the pandemic, but my kids loved Ladder 1 Grill in Barre. Its in a historic firehouse. The food is typical pub fare-the building and atmosphere outranks the food but I remember the burgers being pretty good. If the little one would like some cool stuff to look at, its a great option.

One other thing to keep in mind is when restaurants are open on which days, and to factor in either long wait times/make reservations/have a backup. Nothing worse than hangry toddlers (and parents) with limited options. Restaurants are doing the best they can but toddlers don’t always understand…


mrkvt t1_izpsi7l wrote

I find walmart best for produce price/quality (although its sometimes bare…luck if the draw), as well as milk and eggs and cheese and baking supplies then shop shaws for sales. Always check receipts for accuracy, use the shaws app, and Ibotta. Sales cycle so plan to buy 8 boxes(ok, maybe really 4) of cereal one week, meat for the fridge and freezer at the same time, and the like. Price chopper can sometimes have good sales but I feel like I always spend more when I go there….