
mrsredfast t1_j9tzbe0 wrote

We have same concerns about Berkey. Purchased one on Woot for half price several years ago when it was considered reputable. It does well making our tap water taste better but I wouldn’t trust them if I had serious concerns about my water safety. Since we have the Berkey housing, we have Doulton filters that fit it put back for a more serious water safety situation.


mrsredfast t1_j5x8grl wrote

Hard agree. I have RA and traditionally have had a difficult time being comfortable lying down. Slept on them exclusively for two years now and the improvement in my neck pain is almost unbelievable. I now take one whenever I travel.


mrsredfast t1_iqr6knu wrote

We still use a very similar Whirlpool set from 1994. It was our Christmas present to each other when we moved into our first house. Occasionally has an issue that can be handled with watching a YouTube video and ordering an inexpensive part.

My in-laws had this exact set and got rid of it for aesthetic reasons. Crazy.