
mrtransisteur t1_jasibpc wrote

I’ve been using ChatGPT for exactly this, vibe based movie recs. One trick is to encourage it to suggest older classics, lesser-known films, lower budget films, or foreign films. Just tell it when you’ve already seen the movie or if there’s some other misalignment between the suggestions and what you want to see


mrtransisteur t1_j7xt1e5 wrote

You want to model:

p(cluster =c | img)

p(c1 == c2 | dist(c1, c2) = d, img1 in c1, img2 in c2)

You could try a couple things:

  • Frechet Inception Distance but instead of Inception model you use the medical CNN activations

  • distance metric learning

  • hdbscan/umap/etc for clustering

  • persistent homology based topological data analysis methods for finding clusters

  • masked autoencoders for good feature extraction

  • JEPA style architecture