
mtgguy999 t1_j2fiff7 wrote

But you don’t know if the sink will break that year or how it will break. So you’re incentivized to budget for it breaking in the most expensive way possible every year just in case it does break you can cover it. And when it doesn’t break you still gotta spend that money because you budgeted it. You might go 10 years with no breaks wasting $1,000. But in year 11 years be glad that you have that $100 to cover it when it actually breaks that year.


mtgguy999 t1_iy10lss wrote

I mean it would be convenient to already have the number for any person or business that I want to call, doesn’t mean I’m going to inconvenience myself today looking up numbers for every conceivable contact just incase. It is usually only take a 1 minute google search to find what I need and if I’m calling this number it’s by definition a non emergency


mtgguy999 t1_ixebhum wrote

Even if he was really scamming you he likely thought you wouldn’t notice. After all if you’re bringing your pc to a repair shop you’re likely not a pc expert. When you notice he will probably play it off as a mistake and give your back to you. Easier to just scam the next guy who likely won’t notice