
mtnslice t1_j6mf794 wrote

We keep our dog’s (soft-sided) carrier on the floor and he goes in on his own a lot. Sometimes just because he likes it and sometimes to try to get treats; those times he waits for one of us to see he’s going in and will stare until we watch him go in.

I bet your pup is trying to show you they’re a good dog and get a reward :-)


mtnslice t1_j5x91wo wrote

A doctor once diagnosed me with strep and said it was likely viral as well. Prescribed a z-pack (antibiotics) anyway, and the antibiotics didn’t seem to help much; I was still sick over a week. I’m guessing now that “viral strep” is just what the doctors are calling a severe sore throat that presents with similar symptoms to strep but didn’t/couldn’t a culture to confirm the streptococcus bacteria