
muchD OP t1_jd2hbpj wrote

We’re also picking JC cause of it’s proximity to Manhattan so that we can easily access NYC as we have friends and family still there. Outside of personal use, neither of us will be working in NYC, but we’ll have a car to commute within Jersey. We plan on paying for parking within whichever building we choose, so structured parking will be a necessity.


muchD OP t1_jd2h32c wrote

This is super helpful! Thank you for giving me your insights and starting point for me to schedule appointments to check out the apartments myself. My fiancée and I are slated to check out BLVD (though now my expectations are tempered), the Vantage collection, 65 Bay, 351 Marin, and Haus25.

We’ll add the Hendrix and 235 Grand on to the list!


muchD OP t1_jd2ghtk wrote

I’m getting a car and commuting a bit, while my fiancée takes the path. I currently live in UWS in Manhattan and will be moving to Jersey City, so I’d like a fully amenities building. I’m currently paying $7,500 a month in rent in Manhattan, so this will also be cheaper.

I just want to make sure the glossy adverts online are true to form and I wanted to get subjective viewpoints I couldn’t get from the property marketing website or through the myriad of comments I’ve read online (which are usually very polarizing comments of either 5 stars or 1 star review - people only comment when things are amazing or truly shitty [i.e. avoid Dvora cause management sucks; avoid Modera cause it floods; Veris managed builds are great etc].


muchD OP t1_jd17vtx wrote

Why comment if you’re not going to help? This job opportunity requires me to be in the office and it’s close to Jersey City. I need to move but the company is covering the rent to relocate me. I have a max allowance of $6,500 a month on housing, and it can’t be used for anything else. Might as well max it out if I get it, and this location is the most convenient for me. Do you have any recommendations?