
much_longer_username t1_jakcm6p wrote

>What type of shrooms if you don’t mind me asking.

I suspect it doesn't matter so much. It's more about the plasticity offered by the psychedelic experience.

You're given an opportunity to do a bit of rewiring that your normal biases and filters would otherwise make you resistant to. With that opportunity, you could maybe rewire the part of your brain that does audio signal processing.

I don't know that I could give you a tutorial on how to do this, but it makes sense to me intuitively, I hope it makes sense to you.


much_longer_username t1_j7733gf wrote

More than likely. Dry kibble is terrible for cats, even the premium stuff. And then, most of the food is too high in phosphorous, so they get crystals in their urinary tract. I'm spending around a hundred bucks a month to feed my cat, and had I known all this before I got him, I probably wouldn't have. Cost me a couple grand in vet bills to find out, too.