
musicalbasics t1_j58uern wrote

I agree with this so much. Whenever someone asks me my plans, I tell them, "I have so many huge plans, but I can't talk about any of them."

The reason why this is bad is because you start getting attached to the outcome. When you tell your plans to someone you are materializing a version of the outcome that may or may not happen - which leads to 2 bad outcomes:

  1. You place unnecessary pressure on the idea or plan because whereas before a myriad of outcomes were possible, now only a few are. This prevents the idea or plan from growing naturally.
  2. You give yourself unnecessary dopamine - the process of materializing something is a chemically-desirable activity for the brain, which is why people love talking and being heard. The problem is that now you've increased the dopamine threshold for your plan, meaning that when it comes to doing the hard work, you'll be less motivated to follow through.

musicalbasics t1_iyc727s wrote

Psychological richness and eudaimonia (meaning) are the same thing.

>Psychological richness often comes from meeting new people, taking trips, going on adventures, traveling, moving cities, and extreme events that change your lifestyle.

Meeting new people & forming connections, traveling to new locations, and going on adventures are the very definition of meaningful activities.

These psychologists love creating new categories but there are only two categories, meaning and value.