
musicdude2202 t1_jdmds7p wrote

Curious though is that based on raw output or actual applied usage. People play games with the numbers quite frequently. I don’t know the exact formula but the power coming from those panels probably does offset that much at the panel however inversion to AC power will cut that down significantly because we can’t transmit DC power across large distances, the voltage drop is too significant. There is also voltage use when returning that power to DC for any battery operated thing that is used. So in reality I’m very curious if soup to nuts those numbers are what they say they are or just the feels good numbers associated with raw power generated by the panels.


musicdude2202 t1_jdksefo wrote

One should always question science as that in itself is scientific. There are some things that are just not really disputable however. Life beginning at conception is a quantifiable and well established truth and having an abortion is in fact ending that life. The morality of it all is really the only thing up for debate.


musicdude2202 t1_jdkhjfv wrote

Not exactly. I’m defining life not as a moral belief but in scientific terms. At conception a new life form is established with its own DNA sequence separate from that of the parents. The embryo is just one stage of the development of the fetus but is in fact a separate life form at that point. This is just basic biology. I specifically don’t define life in moral or religious terms because there are so many varying views and is nothing more than opinion.


musicdude2202 t1_jdka91p wrote

There is a very scientific answer to this lol. Life begins at conception. When a sperm meets an egg and is implanted in the wall of the womb. Upon the completion of this process a new life has scientifically begun. The debate is when human rights to life should be conveyed upon a fetus/baby. Whether your beliefs stem from a religious, moral, or scientific point of view there is only one answer to when life begins, conception. Don’t kid yourself an abortion is the killing of a human life. How you choose to justify it or be against it, is of your own accord and there are many points of view on this. Personally I can see both sides as very compelling.


musicdude2202 t1_iwtk7ce wrote

So emotional lol. Yes you are correct you are an extreme minority believing that elective abortion should have no limits. 12-15 is right on par with the overwhelming majority of the developed western world so I’d say I’m in the supreme majority on that. Yes use of contraceptives should be protected. Preventing pregnancy isn’t the same thing as killing a human being. Your view is radical bud. You won’t get your way


musicdude2202 t1_iwp3t0e wrote

Well clearly I’m using reductio ad absurdum but frankly I don’t see a difference in killing a baby that has just been born and killing one that is mere weeks from birth. It’s infanticide and it’s wrong. Abortion was supposed to be safe legal and RARE, not an alternative to contraception. Sure you can carve out exceptions and rarities and what ifs all day but at the end of it the majority are elective and I believe there should be a limit as to how far into term that should be allowed. +- 12-15 weeks with exceptions for catastrophic rarities like a death potential seems more than fair to me