
muskratful1234 t1_j85bwpd wrote

I'm assuming you've never tried to drive through the area when the blooms are going on. I have, many times. It makes a Southern CA freeway which is already bad on a normal day, an absolute nightmare. It is literally right next to a major freeway. It's not off in the backcountry somewhere where people who actually hike and care about nature are the only ones who bother going. It's a bunch of assholes who just want to get one for the 'gram. Leaving trash and dirty diapers on the side of the road when they leave. Trampling the flowers which are a food source for our pollinators. So yeah, as a local, I don't want these disrespectful fucks around.


muskratful1234 t1_j851qkm wrote

We respect the flowers because they are an important part of our ecosystem. It has nothing to do with them being the state flower. Again, I'm very glad for closures like this which keep people like you out who have no business being there.

Edit to add: what the fuck kind of biologist doesn't think protecting local ecosystems is important? I'm calling bullshit on that.