
mwise003 t1_iujo8s5 wrote

I think the lists so far are pretty good... I'd only add....

  1. Ambitious
  2. Respects others (nice to wait staff etc...)
  3. Nice to animals
  4. Can cook, clean, doesn't NEED a woman, but wants one.
  5. Takes care of himself physically
  6. Doesn't drink to excess and when he does drink, doesn't become a different person.
  7. Honest. faithful, protective...
  8. Doesn't question your whereabouts 24/7, basically insecure.
  9. Same views on raising or not raising a family, disciplining kids etc...
  10. Isn't easy to anger, isn't always grumpy, positive outlook on life.

Just off the top of my head...


mwise003 t1_iujmlwn wrote

Is this a pattern or one-off? Makes a big difference. Saw your other post about it being Halloween. If you're one of those guys that never deviates from the gym, then I get her frustration.

If she complains every time you go, then I see your frustration.


mwise003 t1_iujkvwg wrote

You either communicate and come to terms with it or you divorce. Marriage without intimacy isn't a marriage worth having.

Also, sex should never be a bargaining chip or used to get your way. I get you don't feel attracted to him after the awful things he said.... that doesn't mean you two shouldn't be trying to fix it.

Maybe marriage counseling?