
myassholealt t1_jaewdtc wrote

But isn't compensation supposed to factor in cost of living for employees to make the wage competitive? You're not gonna find an 85K/yr administrative office job working in Tuscaloosa. But you can find a company paying that kind of money in NYC.

I think you guys are really delusional if you expect companies to continue to pay NYC-COL wages to workers living small town USA. Those with niche skills thus they have the bargaining advantage, sure. But your average employee? Lol.


myassholealt t1_j9q97v1 wrote

I'm really really really hoping they don't stretch out that last scene and what he shouted to be everyone thinking he was talking about the baby, before the story gets around to what he was really talking about.

I have a feeling they might do that. The confusion could serve as a convenient plot device. And while I really enjoyed it, it had a slow start through the first couple of episodes so, to me at least. So capitalizing on the confusion for an episode or 2 seems like it's right up their alley.


myassholealt t1_j8yri3b wrote

No. I have it as it is in the article posted.

When private organizations want public services like NYPD officers working security at their event, private organizations hire them and pay for them via the NYPD Paid Detail Program. Here, the city is picking up that expense for this private organization to hold their event.


myassholealt t1_j8tk2pj wrote

You can rent games from the library. And if they're on a play station 4, it could be one they've had for a very long time. Plus they said they allocate $75/month in misc. It may very well be one game they play all the time, so they only needed to buy it the one time. Or for a game like Destiny 2 that has new DLC type releases every ~3-4 or so months, it's easy to squirrel away money to cover any new purchases.


myassholealt t1_j7x53dn wrote

Manhattan is a constantly revolving door of people. There will always be people looking to move here for short stints with the income to cover the living costs. And then they move on.

The people who plan to at least attempt to plant roots get pushed out to the outer boroughs, further and further out, till they just say fuck it and eventually move on to somewhere else. Either in the tristate area still, or some other region altogether.


myassholealt t1_j7x43dt wrote

>Why doesn’t every landlord raise rent to a million dollars a month

Going to the extreme to refute a point. Solid strategy. That 'given price point' is unaffordable for a lot of people. Unless that example above of a $2K increase is totally reasonable. And all the new buildings around him will charge 5K+ too, cause that old place is charging $5K, but we're offering completely brand new with shiny new appliances and finishes. So surely you will have to pay more here. And on and on and on.

That owner will find someone with deep pockets to rent it.


myassholealt t1_j7wv1j0 wrote

Ah yes, the famous economics 101 comment. Of course. Before you lot, the economics 101 theory parroted was trickle down theory. Give tax cuts to the wealthy and it'll trickle down to the middle class.

The people of your mentality supported and advocated that theory, ignoring the reality, for decades. Results: shrinking middle class cause greed is allowed unchecked. Great job.

Now, it's build more! It'll eventually turn into lower rent prices for middle income people and lower.

I'm sure the wealthy appreciates the next generation advocating for them too.

And in 30 years, people will congratulate you on your in depth understanding of economics when rents never actually go down no matter how much was built cause sUppLY aNd DeManD is not the only reason rents keep going in one direction.

But, I get it, you gotta fight for real estate investors/property owners. Cause if you don't who will.

Meanwhile I'm wasting my time screaming into the void. Kinda reminds of 2020 when everyone here was just as confident that NYC was over and would never rebound. You guys definitely know best.


myassholealt t1_j7vcw6b wrote

Yes, because those two things are exactly what every claims.

I swear you people love making shit up to argue against. And I don't get why you people refuse to acknowledge the fact that rents will always keep going up because there will always be people willing to pay the asking price. it's also comical that you're comparing Buffalo and Manhattan real estate.

I can't even say you've lost the plot cause it doesn't sound like you've ever held it.
