
myopinionnoconseq OP t1_jadcek5 wrote

talking to people who work in my desired field got me the work that i have now (~7.5 hours a week, $20/hr doing field campaign work for a few school board races). i appreciate your kindness. its very frustrating when you do the things everyone tells you do (good resume, apply constantly, be persistent, etc.) and not only do you not get the outcome you're expecting, but you're blamed for circumstances that you can't control.


myopinionnoconseq OP t1_jab9fuw wrote

i genuinely wish i could send you a copy. i took a template from the havard job center resume template document. filled it with job experience (non stop working, either part-time or full) for the past year and a half. including one job from this past fall working on the governor's campaign. still getting straight up ghosted by almost every job. ive been called in for 2 interviews, both interviewers told me that they were really impressed with my resume (1 law firm, 1 leasing agency). got rejected from both saying "they'll keep my resume on file for the future" i've also had several personal connections who've looked over/proof read it.


myopinionnoconseq OP t1_jab6ofb wrote

well for starters, there's no real opportunity to "come" anywhere or in any way. at the beginning of my job search i physically went into places. either there was no person of a managerial position there or they said "well you just have to apply online". even local small owned coffee shops that i walked into said "just take this card and email us". i pivoted to applying to 20+ jobs some days, with a custom cv for each one. 90% don't even respond. The other's send automated messages of rejection. I applied to build a bear workshop twice with no response. finally called to ask what was up and the manager said "i have no way of even seeing who applies, someone else should have contacted you".

long-winded response but it gets frustrating when people who aren't in this situation pass judgement. why would i not be applying to every job that i can when im drowning in debt?


myopinionnoconseq OP t1_jaazf7w wrote

😅 its always very interesting when people assume that i haven't applied to the easiest places to apply to 😅

i got downvoted for this but it's really crazy to me that people assume there are folks out there who want to be struggling to pay their bills and have food. i've applied from all jobs from fast food to office work.


myopinionnoconseq OP t1_jaagvml wrote

i work and always plan to get my degree. i am actively paying off the bill. i qualify for in-state tuition at the beginning of the summer and will be enrolling at the cc. i am asking for management advice so that the bill is not so crushing. thanks though.

i guess that i didn't clarify well enough in the post, this is not debt from a loan, this is a bill from the school for room/board/tuition. i cannot afford to go back to school right now, i dropped out because i could not afford to stay any longer.


myopinionnoconseq OP t1_jaagkep wrote

It's not a loan, it's a bill. Last year total I made ~$22,000 for the whole year, work is relatively inconsistent for me; i've applied to over 100 jobs since November and haven't landed one. My goal is to land a full-time job with ~$16/hr wage sometime in the next couple of months. Until mid-May I am doing campaign work for ~ 7.5 hours a week for $20/hr